
E-Pics is ETH Zurich’s platform for images, photographs and illustrations.

Image Archive Online

Image Archive, ETH-Bibliothek

Old and Rare Prints

Rare Books, ETH-Bibliothek

Campus Services

Images of Campus Services, ETH Zurich

Collection of Scientific Instruments and Teaching Materials of ETH Zurich

Instruments Collection of the former Eidgenössische Sternwarte in Zurich

Art Inventory

Items from ETH Zurich’s Art Inventory

Corporate Communications

Image Archive ETH Zurich Corporate Communications

"Ex meis libris"

Provenance of Rare Books, ETH Library

E-Pics is the platform for image catalogues of ETH Zurich.

The various catalogues comprise photo archives and photographers’ personal papers, as well as images on university life, from the natural sciences, the history of science and technology, scientific photography and many other topics. The majority of the digitised images are displayed publicly and new ones are added daily.

The platform E-Pics is an ETH Library Service.



Animals, Plants and Biotopes

Animals, Plants and Biotopes

About 71’800 images online.
Visit the catalogue

Max Frisch-Archive

Max Frisch Archive

About 3’800 images online.
Visit the catalogue

Art Inventory

Art Inventory

Items from ETH Zurich’s Art Inventory.
About 900 images online.
Visit the catalogue

E-Pics Collection of Astronomical Instruments

Collection of Scientific Instruments and Teaching Aids, ETH Zurich

Collection of Historical Instruments of ETH Zurich
About 18’900 images online.
Visit the catalogue

Corporate Communications

Corporate Communications ETH Zurich

Image Archive ETH Zurich Corporate Communications.
About 5’700 images online.
For ETH Zurich members only.
Visit the catalogue